Wednesday, October 9, 2013


I have made a decision that I honestly never thought I would. 

Anyone that knows Anistyn, my eight year old...knows that she is very smart. Don't say she got it from her mama, because she most definitely did not! LOL.

Anistyn has loved school ever since she stepped foot through the doors. She is in the third grade right now, and has been in public school every year although she is in a charter school this year. I never had a problem with any of her schools nor did I have any complaints about her education or teachers. Especially in second grade when her teacher loved her ALMOST as much as me! 

The first point I'm trying to make is that I have never had a problem with the public school system or Anistyn's education because she simply thrived. She has excelled and is in gifted classes. She is creative and thinks outside the box and is loved by her teachers. I never had a problem with her education. Until now.

Its not the teachers. Its not the schools. Its not even really the public school system's fault. Its the government's. 

I'll spare you all of the details, but in a nutshell, after researching the Common Core curriculum I am just not comfortable with what they are pushing into public education. I've seen samples of it and I just simply can't agree with it. Its a debatable topic, however, I feel that my children are not up for debate. They, along with their education, are extremely important to me. I don't want their education to suffer because of a debate. 

It took a lot of thought, but I have decided to homeschool Anistyn. I never thought I would, not because I thought there was anything wrong with homeschooling. I just simply never had a problem with public school as far as Anistyn went. 

I am extremely fortunate to have a sister in law who homeschools her children so she has a lot of experience with it. Also, my mother in law is a retired schoolteacher and has a vast amount of knowledge! So between the two of them, I have a lot of insight to help get me started!

I am very nervous, but excited about this new venture...and Anistyn is too! So, it looks like this will become a homeschool blog as well!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for you! Homeschooling is SO fun, but can definitely be VERY overwhelming! I recently posted about how I organize our homeschooling, after many years of VARIOUS methods and curriculum choices. Here's a link to that post in case you are interested, I plan nine weeks at a time and it has SAVED my sanity!

    (this is Carrie, Bethany's friend by the way!).
    Have fun and enjoy your time with your girls at home! It flies by so quickly!
