My troop

Let me introduce you to myself, and the people that own my heart.


I'm a dreamer, a reader, a procrastinator. I could spend all day in my jammies watching lifetime. I'm spunky, and loud. I love to laugh and love to make people smile. I'm outspoken, blunt, and have a huge heart. I love deeply. My kids and husband complete who I am. I'm an army wife. I can pack a house in just a few hours. Time me. I'm that good. I love adventure,  and really do like moving around every so often. I love new beginnings and making new friends. Most importantly though...I LOVE these people that are my family.

My hero. Somewhere in this crazy big world, we found each other. He's my best friend. My sanity. He's funny when I need it most, and can calm my nerves in a heartbeat. He's the best dad I could have ever hoped for my kids to have. He's smart, clever, and has the most genuine heart. He loves to help anyone that needs it. He loves his country and has chosen to live his life defending it. Oh, and he looks dang good in his uniform;)


My Ani-Bug. She is 8 years old and just started the 3rd grade. Where did the time go? She is my brainiac and is in gifted classes. Her mind is constantly in motion, always trying to figure things out, which is amazing to watch. We're so proud of her. She adores school and is shy at first, but once you get to know her, her personality flourishes. She is my mini me, always wanting to be with her mama. She is a great big sister, is such an easy child, and really is a pure joy. 


 My spitfire. This girl has me on my toes from the moment her feet hit the floor first thing in the morning. She is the cause of so much laughter in our house. She is so curious and mischievous, constantly getting into things she shouldn't, such as dog food which seems to be a personal favorite of hers! She is a major daddy's girl and will follow him around constantly. I love watching the world through her eyes. She is outgoing, never shy, and is always grabbing the attention of strangers since she can't walk by anyone without saying hello. I adore her little personality!

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